Glitterati wonders about Brad Pitt's happiness. Me too. And about the morphing into lovers? Yeah, thought it was cute at first. Now I'm concerned.
Mainly Movies has an insightful take on a great performance onstage in London. I saw it in NYC and do wholeheartedly endorse.
Nick Schager really dislikes V For Vendetta
number one hit song has mixed feelings about 'the Björk & Barney show' expressed in haiku. How else?
!! omg blog !! wishes it could have gone to the prom w/ George Clooney.
Pop on The Rocks keeps up w/ buzz on Dreamgirls.
Queerty marks our calendar for Madonna worship.
Scene Stealer continues his top 100 film countdown. He so crazy that Dorothy Gale & Co. are only @ #43!
six things lists excuses for not posting (I so relate)
Are the shrines gone, or are you in the process of updating them??
no Moore and Pfeiffer should both still be up.
oooh!!! thanks for the link to number one hit song. your blog is pretty special too =:-)
If you think I'm crazy for putting that at #43, then you're going to hate my next two choices. I'm actually fearing your response, haha.
candle making - is my site and i'm trying to get newer ideas on layout and i'm thinking of going to blog alone and not a 'normal' site. Bookmark added for future reference, thanks.
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