In 1999, Vanity Fair went both a little crazy (14 people? The most ever for a Hollywood cover) and a little blah (seriously now, zzz). This issue gets my vote for worst cover in their history of Hollywood editions. They called it "New Kids on the Block" as if they were trying to date it instantly. I called it "Call me in Spring 2000 when the next one comes out." None of them look like they're in the mood to due boy band choreography or even sing one bar of a power ballad.

Leelee Sobieski, Giovanni Ribisi, Sarah Polley, Norman Reedus, Anna Friel,
Omar Epps, Kate Hudson, Vinessa Shaw, and Barry Pepper.

Thandie Newton was also 26. 1998 had been a big year with both Bernardo Bertolucci's Besieged and Jonathan Demme's Beloved haunted by her beauty. All was not rosy thereafter. She snagged the female lead of Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) but it did as little for her as the previous film had done for Emmanuelle Béart stateside. Interest was renewed with her memorable supporting part in Crash (2005) and buzz has it that we'll next see her as Condoleeza Rice in Oliver Stone's Bush bio W. (2009).
Monica Potter, about to turn 28, was one of many actresses who were weighted down with "next Julia Roberts" buzz. Believe me, it was a plague that decimated the female 20somethings of Hollywood that entire decade. She had been in two hits Patch Adams and Con Air and would be in a couple more (the already forgotten Along Came a Spider, 2001 and the unfortunately remembered franchise-spawning Saw, 2004) Her last big gig was a stint on TV's Boston Legal.

Julia Stiles, newly legal at 18, probably won this cover treatment on the basis of the just-then opening lead role in 10 Things I Hate About You (co-starring the late Heath Ledger). She worked a lot in the years that followed in films both successful and otherwise but her career didn't grow as much as people expected or she herself expected for that matter (that's my presumption from some interviews at least). Today people are still familiar and she is pretty terrific in that tiny role in the Bourne series.

Giovanni Ribisi, from the twitchy school of acting that also spawned Jeremy Davies was 24. He had already worked a lot in indies with his biggest claim to fame being part of Saving Private Ryan's young soldier ensemble the summer before this cover was shot. He had eight projects open between this cover and the end of 2000. Presumably he slept some time in 2002 or thereabouts because every year brings several films. His career has been cooling off considerably but he's part of the next buzzy Michael Mann picture Public Enemies so his career might find its second wind next year.

Sarah Polley, 20 at the time, just had quite a year with an Oscar nomination for her first full feature behind the camera Away From Her. But we're talking 9 years ago, aren't we? Nine years back she was a critically celebrated actress with The Sweet Hereafter (1997) behind her for which many people thought she deserved an Oscar nomination. She had four movies coming out the year of this cover, the most famous of which would be Doug Liman's Go. Sarah hasn't totally given up acting (two movies coming next year) but expect more work behind the camera, too.

Norman Reedus at 30 was the oldest character on this cover. This former model was about to have a baby with longtime girlfriend Helena Christensen (they split up in 2003). He had made a few indies directly before this cover as well as the horror sci-fi flick Mimic (1997), which was his first picture. The heat was on with three more small films due in 99 but he never "broke out" as it were. He stayed mostly in indies with the occasional small role in bigger films dotting the filmography like Blade 2 and last year's American Gangster.
Anna Friel, about to turn 23, had up and comer buzz despite very little screen work. 1999 was an important year for her (see time capsule interview) as she was part of the quartet of players in Broadway's Closer (which became a film in 2004 --she played "Alice", later become Natalie Portman's role) and she was also in the ensemble in the umpteenth film version of A Midsummer Night's Dream (this one with Kevin Kline and Michelle Pfeiffer). Everybody forgot about her for awhile but she's more popular and adorable than ever, suddenly, as one fourth of Pushing Daisies central quartet of players. She's "dead girl" ...but you knew that already if you've been watching.

Kate Hudson , turning 20, had an Oscar-winning superstar mother (Goldie Hawn) but little else to recommend her for this cover. Major stardom of her own would arrive approximately a year and a half later when Almost Famous (2000) opened, for which she received an Oscar nomination and became a mainstream media staple. One romantic comedy blockbuster followed (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, 2003) but, honestly, she gets a lot of attention for how little success her films have hand. And that filmography: yikes!

Barry Pepperwas turning 29 and the previous year's feature film landscape had suggested that he might be breaking free of television, where he had spent the first six years of his Hollywood career. In 1998 he had played a memorable sniper role in Saving Private Ryan and supported Will Smith and Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State. A role in Best Picture nominee The Green Mile followed this very December and then he hit the brick wall that was the Scientology inspired Battlefied Earth(2000). The future didn't hold big successful lead roles after that but damn he was good in 25th Hour (2002), don't you think? Next up: supporting Will Smith again in Seven Pounds this Christmas.
median age: approximately 24. Youngest: Leelee was still fifteen when the cover was shot. oldest: Norman Reedus @ thirty
collective Oscar nominations before this cover: Zilch
collective Oscar nominations after this cover: 4 (Reese, Adrian, Sarah and Kate), 2 of which led to big wins (Witherspoon in Walk the Line & Brody in The Pianist)
fame levels in 2008, according to famousr, from most to least: Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, Julia Stiles, Adrien Brody, Omar Epps, Giovanni Ribisi, Thandie Newton, Leelee Sobieski, Sarah Polley, Barry Pepper, Monica Potter, Vinessa Shaw (Anna Friel and Norman Reedus are not listed on the website)
see also: 1995 ,1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.
don't miss future installments. Yes I will one day get through them all
Wow it really looks so late 90s. Never thought that moment would have a defining look - all that grey, pared down, combat "utility chic." So dated and eugh-looking.
And yes! Leelee looks so much like Helen Hunt! They've got to be somehow related, they just have to be!
I love Leelee because she didn't wear a bra in Joyride, which is a very good little thriller, with an Oscar caliber performance by Steve Zahn.
I like that movie too. I reviewed it a super long time ago. But please don't laugh at my woefully junior league review of Mulholland Dr on the same page.
Whoa. That does seem like a weak lineup... both back then and now. But I guess hindsight is 20/20.
Keep the good historian's job going! :D
Academy Award Nominee Sarah Polley does not enjoy realising she's less famous than Leelee Sobieski and Giovani Ribisi. Not at all.
i think the real question is how is Julia Stiles still so famous?
Watching this pic gives me a feeling of bad stomach stuff.
And last time i check, Famousr doesn't even have Kate Winslet. lol
Anyway, love Anna Friel and Pushing Daisies.
leelee should be in a woody allen movie.
i'm pretty sure i bought this issue and i've still never heard of norman reedus or vinessa shaw
I like Barry Pepper. I wish he would get more/better work.
I'm glad Par mentioned that because I didn't want to be the only one who had never heard of either of them.
Why no mention of LeeLee's work in Joan of Arc-I think that's what most people, if they still remember her, remember her for (she did get Emmy and GG nominations for it)?
Nat, very good point(s) about Julia Stiles and Kate Hudson's careers & their fame levels. I suppose accolades must be given to their publicists for keeping them in the public eye, despite the lack of major film roles.
But how I do love this series...
Who shot that cover? My god it is the most horrid, blech looking thing. Still, I LOVE this series, Nat, keep it up. (Can't wait until you get to the actressy 2001 cover.)
Julia Stiles because she's actually a more than decent actress... (i think I've liked her anytime I've caught her in a film!)
Kate Hudson 'cause she's hot... (sigh! that is still a Hollywood criteria)
eugh - Kate Hudson - one good scene in one good movie. what a waste of space.....she would be nowhere w out mommie goldest....and her "pa". how long until her sitcom "Kate" and / or Lifetime movies???
I'm one of the people who thinks Sarah Polley deserves the nomination for "The Sweet hereafter", and now, she not only a fantastic indie actress, she's a promising writer and director and "Away form her" is the proof...
About Julia Stiles and Leelee sobieski, promising actresses in than time but now... they're under cover. Still, Julia has the Bourne trilogy sucess...
Yes, in cuestion of Kate Hudson, it's like Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, queens of the tabloids...
reese has not been in a hit since winning the oscar.
maybe not but I'm sure she will be again. Popular she is.
I'm sure Four Christmases will change that
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