IndieWire Magnolia will be releasing the two-part Chinese epic Red Cliff as... one film? Which of its 280 minutes gets the chop exactly?
People Magazine has a delicious
I'm not an aficionado of hair, but his looks great.I don't believe the pre comma denial, and I don't share the post comma sentiment.

No Sacred Cows a fine interview with Charlie Kaufman on Synecdoche New York. I'm warming to the notion of giving it a second chance. But currently I think it's a purposefully off-putting one note masturbation session. We'll see.
Heroine Content has a pointed review of Star Trek and its use of gender and race.
StarPulse on the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. I'm so thrilled that Katharine Heigl is finally free of that particular ball and chain.
Finally, 3 videos of note
- An oddly compelling, funny juxtaposition of Bambi imagery with Sir Ian McKellen discussing acting ???? For real (thx, Jeff)
- HBO's preview for Hung, starring Thomas Jane. Doesn't HBO need a new zeitgeist hit in a big way?
- First trailer for The Road (it's not a "thriller" per se and Charlize is barely in it, despite the marketing) but the imagery look better than when I saw the movie. I guess finishing the color corrections really makes a movie pop.
Jackman and Pattinson in a movie together, sweet. And yay for Katerine Heigl, I never got into that show but I like her as an actress.
The last 30 or so seconds of the trailer make it seem kinda cookie-cutter. I hope its more distinctive than that. Have been really looking forward to this one.
hmm, not sure about Pattinson's casting but i would seriously pay good money to watch him do karaoke with Hugh Jackman and Baz Luhrmann. As for his hair, i thought he cut it all off?
I'm really looking forward to Jackman and Weisz teaming up again - they had wonderful chemistry in The Fountain. And the lovely lady is finally picking good roles again! With The Lovely Bones, Agora, Dirt Music, Unbound Captives, etc.. I'm excited for her.
It's funny how Hugh couldn't repeat the REAL speach he had made for his son to the American media. With Australians he hasn't have such a problem. If you are interested: the real explanation of birds and bees from Hugh (very, very detailed) :)
"Doesn't HBO need a new zeitgeist hit in a big way?"
It's got one in "Big Love" if the zeitgeist would bother to notice.
Outstanding (if true)! I am all over the sophmore season of "Dollhouse" if it comes to pass, even if it is too short (another 13 episode "test"?) and operating on a shoestring. Let's get 13 great scripts and a dynamite mythology next year!
You will write about it next year, right, Nathaniel?
The Ian McKellen voicework is from the episode of Extras that he appeared in a few years ago. He's not being serious!
catherine -- i know. but isn't it so ____ to have it played over Bambi?
carl -- i will. and i'm actually not worried about the "drastically reduced budget" we're hearing about because the best stuff always take place within the dollhouse and that's only one set.
Hearing Hugh Jackman talk about hard penises with his ridiculously sexy voice completely made what would have been an entirely terrible weekend. Thank you, Maria lol
My pleasure :)
Yeah, Hugh talking about penises definitely can make any crappy day brighter. Fortunately he did it pretty often recently. Here is one more : Hugh Jackman On Howard Stern about penises and more (6.30 - straight to the topic)
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