#4 A Prairie Home Companion
(Picturehouse. Arriving in June)
See the New Trailer!
Before I begin my periodic genuflection to Robert Altman in the next paragraph. I would like to publicy forgive the Picturehouse distributing team for a minor scheduling error. 6s do look a lot like 9s. Especially if your desk is messy and you're working quickly. That has to be why they f***ed up this birthday gift to me. See ...my birthday is the 6th and they're releasing this movie on the 9th. It's no biggie really. [Though sending some flowers or something would be a nice gesture for their error]. Because who loves Altman more than me? OK, maybe Ed @ Slant or Nick @ Nicks Flick Picks. But I love Altman muchly.
Here are 7 reasons why A Prairie Home Companion should be on anyone's list of 5 movies to be most excited about in this cinematic year:
3 Women
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Gosford Park
The Company
The Player
and here are 3 more for good measure
Lily Tomlin... how underemployed is she? Discuss.
Meryl Streep ... how happy are we that she's getting so much work at 56? Discuss.
Lindsay Lohan... even if you're luckier than I am and immune to her celebrity pull despite all evidence that her career will be over in two seconds I'm sure you're curious to see what Altman can do with her. Aren't You?

tags: Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin, Robert Altman, musicals, Lindsay Lohan, movies,
previous "coming soons"
#5 Dreamgirls, #6 The Fountain, #7 Running With Scissors, #8 Volver, #9 Inland Empire, #10 Little Children, #11 Margaret, and #12 Bug
I must respectfully disagree with Lindsay Lohan. I think she is a good enough actress and I think she will do well in this film. She was fantastic in Mean Girls even though she probably wasn't acting and was just being herself. In any case, it looks like she's making some good career decisions and starring in non-conventional films. Good for her for taking some chances.
I am so looking forward to this movie... 2 of my favorites are part of the team... Meryl Streep and Robert Altman. I always enjoy his movies, no matter how far out some of them seem to be. A great storyteller.... and Meryl Streep, what isn't there to love about her?
I am so looking forward to this movie... 2 of my favorites are part of the team... Meryl Streep and Robert Altman. I always enjoy his movies, no matter how far out some of them seem to be. A great storyteller.... and Meryl Streep, what isn't there to love about her?
I am so looking forward to this movie... 2 of my favorites are part of the team... Meryl Streep and Robert Altman. I always enjoy his movies, no matter how far out some of them seem to be. A great storyteller.... and Meryl Streep, what isn't there to love about her?
Robert Altman got a performance out of Tara Reid in Dr. T & the Women. I have every confidence in Lindsay acquitting herself just fine. (And I know you do, too, N - I'm just reiterating.)
La Lohan is a mess, no question about it, but what a talented mess! Just wish she would lay low and use her gifts more wisely and to better effect than 'Herbie: Fully Loaded' and the like. Buzz around her is pretty toxic right now, but she could prolong her expiration considerably if she would stay out of the club scene and do good work that speaks for itself. We love you LiLo -- please don't go the way of Paris Hilton, Tara Reid and many others who have become a walking, breathing joke. Save yourself!
Lindsay is far better than Paris and Tara. They have never had a successful movie between them. American Pie was not a Tara Reid movie so it doesn't count. Lindsay had a hit at age 12, and two more at the ripe age of 17. I also think that her club activities are surprisingly separate from her acting abilities. She may be a party girl, but she doesn't let it get in the way of her talents.
Can't WAIT for this movie! And I didn't even see The Company, even though I know I should have done.
Altman, Streep, Tomlin - I'm salivating like a Pavlovian nightmare.
And Lohan can be perfectly delightful onscreen too, so BRING IT ON.
Seeing Prairie Home Companion in T minus six hours...and the anticipation is killing me.
i'm so jealous.
Ooh, this is in my top five as well. How can you go wrong with that cast (and in Altman's hands, sheesh!). It was exciting to see Meryl singing in the previews-I always forget what a talented songstress she is.
Am looking forward to this movie for sure, but just to play devil's advocate, may I suggest one reason not to see it ... "Pret a Porter" .. Like I said, I'll be there with bells on for this one
Going to chime in on Lindsay Lohan here, as I am a big fan, there is something very watchable about her that you just can't help but take notice when she's on the screen. I think she is just as talented as her more 'acclaimed' peers but her partying ways have hurt people's image of her.
hey guys, i saw the movie at the berlin film festival and it is lovely. very light and not on the same level as the altman classics, but still: beautiful. lohan does fine work, virginia madsen's part is a little weird and the rest of the cast is amazing... it's seems a little difficult to differentiate who's lead and who's supporting, tomlin and kevin kline could be oscar candidates in the supporting categories. meryl, by the way, ist hilarious and wonderful as always... best for you all, patrick (from berlin)
Can't wait for this movie. What a cast! Streep, Tomlin and Lohan beings tops. And, well, it's Altman - I haven't seen many of his works but those I have have been great!
I love me some Lohan, so I'm happy to see her moving into more adult areas. She sure is liking ensemble work. Prairie plus Bobby and Chapter 27 (or whatever it's called).
The love of Streep and Tomlin speaks for itself. Tomlin is indeed extremely underused. How fabo was she in Huckabees? Extremely is how much.
good post...i am very interestd in what's going to happen w/ lindsay and what her role will be in this film...
i honestly didn't know she was in it until i saw a preview the other night.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
Hilarious movie and great jokes, but Meril Streep's Minnesota accent was overdrawn and jolting. The true Minnesotans, Garrison Keilor and his regular crew (who played background roles), sounded natural, but Streep sounded like an East-Coaster immitating a Minnesota accent. Several other character attempted it too. I'm from Minnesota and we simply don't sound like that. The Minnesota "accent" is over-rated in this movie
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