Happy 69th birthday to my idol
Warren Beatty! I worship the ground that he walks on. It isn't just that he slept with three different women from my "10 people I'd switch teams for" list (Natalie Wood, Madonna, and Annette Bening being the delicious trinity for the unduly curious among you). It's that he's a ridiculously handsome man, an intelligent director, and a smashingly good actor (that's the part that people forget). People are always so busy worshipping Eastwood, Nicholson, and whoever... but for this movie buff Old Hollywood IS Warren Beatty.
If you've never understood the fuss, rent yourself
Bonnie & Clyde, Shampoo, Splendor in the Grass, McCabe & Mrs. Miller or
Reds and be converted.
PS> Love the new images at the top of the page...
SO who are the OTHER 7 lucky women on that list, Nathaniel? I assume Pfeiffer is on there somewhere... who else... hmm... probably Moore... Streep? Winslet? I dunno... can't think of many real female sex symbols who you like. Most are so shallow and plastic.
I wish I could load up on some Warren Beatty, but I'm already loading up on La Streep... having a Meryl Streep Marathon via netflix... 13 of her films I haven't seen... I'm ridiculously deprived of the Meryl.
I like Warren even though I've seen barely any of his work.
Dick Tracy though is my all-time favourite comic adaptation and it's in my top 25 of all time. I love it SO freakin' much.
I wish stuff like Splendor in the Grass were available here.
you have permanently scared me off of moving to Australia ;)
don't they have any movie before 2000 available on DVD?
Reds is NOT on DVD! It's a crime! A crime, I tell you!
A lot of older releases don't get released. We've only got a population of 20million ya know and they probably (correctly) assume not that many are too interested in movies like Splendor in the Grass being on DVD. Sad but true. Although we do need yet more DVD versions of Ice Age...?!
ooh. and Heaven Can Wait.
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