It certainly looks appealing for the comic geek and mutant fan within me. But trying to combine three or so epic storylines from the comics --a gene cure, Dark Phoenix, political pressure to smack down on mutants (which usually leads to something they call "Sentinels" though this trailer shows no signs that they've gone that far into the comic's lengthy mythology) gives me great pause. And adding what looks to be about 9 new characters --even if some of them are mere cameos. Really. You wanna do that?
I fear outright disaster. Pretty disaster but still...

Remember when Batman Returns in the interest of upping the ante introduced 3 villains (definitely one too many). It was so terrific visually and Keaton and Pfeiffer had such hot/weird chemistry but the movie was freaking cluttered plotwise. Yeah, that problem seems a given here: the interesting stuff getting shortshrift.
This is not NewYork X-Menanderplatz. They gotta fit this into 2 and a 1/2 hours, don't they? I worry but I pray they prove me wrong. I loved X2. I hope to love X3.
i read somewhere psylocke is in this movie too. this is getting out of hand. but as kelly clarkson would say, "beautiful distaster." i'm hoping for the best here. gr.
I think I saw X2 more times in the theatre than any other movie: 7 times. (And only 2 times at the dollar movie.)
My hopes run high for this one BUT I expect to be at least initially very disappointed. I'm only hoping that my visceral loathing of Kelsey Grammar doesn't keep me from buying that second ticket...
I can't tell if this movie's made me a fanboy or if I'm justa mutant queen.
I share your reservation nathaniel, it could be a spectacular film if all the elements come together or it can be a spectacular failure. If Bryan Singer was the director on this I probably wouldn't be as worried.
From the trailer the film does look visually stunning.
pop -how is it that Kelly Clarkson gets fused w/ everything these days. who knew...
lu -i share your visceral loathing of Kel... i can't even type the name.
oh and ...mutant queen > fanboy
ram -yeah Singer for Rattner. i didn't mention it in the post but obviously this is the main cause of the fear.
OMG. I just realized that... wouldn't Julianne Moore have made an AMAZING Jean Grey? Not that Famke is bad. But Juli is the ultimate redhead actress... she would make a great empath/dark phoenix/all-around cool chick... but I guess she's not into the comic book fare.
well when they were casting back in whenever they wanted to go really young -hence paquin and berry and such. and out with ideas batted around the internet like Julianne and Angela Bassett for storm, etc...
Funny, I was just watching "Batman Returns" and was reminded of how much I love that movie. And how Michelle Pfeiffer should have won about eleven Oscars for her performance.
Thing is, when it comes to superhero stuff, I really couldn't care less about the plot. If you end up caring too much about that, you end up with something like "Batman Begins", and nobody wants that (OK so some people do). Besides, villains ARE always more interesting than the heroes. Now I'm not hoping for Famke Janssen to impress me the way Pfeiffer did or anything, but she should be pretty great as Dark Phoenix anyway.
well yeah, the plot is hardly the main thrill of superhero movies but it can distract if it's too clumsy.
the heavy boring plot detours of Batman Returns are to blame for why Pfeiffer disappears for nearly 20 25 minutes of that picture toward the end.
Batman Returns is my favourite Batman movie of all. Sure, it's a bit convoluted, but I just love WATCHING it. Ya know how some movies are just good to watch because technically they're so breathtaking. Ya...
I saw a trailer for X-Men 3 last night. I don't know if it's the new trailer or the old one. Made it look interesting. I'm still pumped for it, but... yeah... we'll see.
I'm more excited about this than Superman Returns though, purely because I've never been a fan of Superman in general.
I hate Ben Foster too, so that doesn't help the situation.
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