Fametracker on Brangelina's new project.
Reverse Shot, like me, were also annoyed by what they Overheard @ Caché.
Faggoty-Ass Faggot on American Idols rather ugly homophobia this season.
Hindustan article on the Golden Globes which, for unbeknownst reasons, pits Chinese cinema vs. Bollywood.
Watch Them:
Cinematical on the blue screen shoot of Zach Snyder's Frank Miller adaptation 300
Dan-O-Rama (who has the job I most covet -video repurposing) wishes you a Happy New Year.
Just because it's funny --the Hazzards "Gay Boyfriend" video.
Dreamworks retro style "behind the scenes" newsreel like promo for Dreamgirls.
Do Copenhagen's list of the 50 Best Music Videos of 2005. (That'll keep you busy for awhile)
anthony --i haven't seen true life but thanks for the recommendation
rahul -glad to see new names in here. and thanks.
Interestingly, the NY Times had an editorial about the absolute nastiness (I believe they called it "mean-spirited") of American Idol yesterday: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/22/opinion/22sun3.html?n=Top%2fOpinion%2fEditorials%20and%20Op%2dEd%2fEditorials
(oops, didn't mean to be anonymous - that last one was me)
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