I feel weirdly divided in half these days and I'm wondering why my blog is separate from my site. I feel kinda redundant. Like this should be the front page of my site. I'll think some more on that.

over there you can check out my
GOLDEN GLOBE REACTIONS including who I thought gave the best speeches, who was best dressed, who sported the most unflattering makeup , and my desperate desire to understand how Patrick Dempsey and George Clooney manage to become ever more superhumanly beautiful the older they get. Oh and I didn't mention this because I don't cover TV but my favorite wins of the night in that area were Sandra Oh's and Mary Louise Parker's. I love them both. Well done. Best TV speech? S Epatha Merkerson who won for Lackawanna Blues (co-starring the ubiquitous Terrence Howard). There's also photo goodness. Not that you didn't watch. But... still. We love looking at pictures.
Plus:coupla new FB AWARDS in the categories of
Body of Work (those who gave me both quantity and quality) and
Casting (It is strange that casting directors can't win Oscars, their decisions being so crucial and all).
And: Lots of updates to my gathering on online voices in the "year in review" habit of
top-10ing. This is the last year I'll be gathering other people's lists. But if someone's list excites you, click away. I'm not endorsing all of these people (hell no) but some of them are fine writers / critics / bloggers, what have you.
I was kind of shocked with the supporting categories. I did not expect George Clooney to win there (I was expecting him to win director in the usual split of picture/director) and Michelle from Brokeback to win supporting. I found it interesting that so much of the winners came from "gay-themed" movies: BB, Transamerica and Capote. A new trend or flavor of the month?
do we know who anne hathaway's arch-nemesis is or did she not say?
It's Julie Andrews, right? It's gotta be Julie Andrews.
Do we know why Anne Hathaway looked like some sort of Frida-Kabuki hybrid last night? Doesn't she usually look better than that? Poor girl.
Ooh, I want to know who Anne Hathaway's arch-nemesis is too! Anyone know? (I posted my comments on the ceremony at my blog).
Everyone has been making fun of Ms. Hathaway, but I thought she looked great last night. Like classic Hollywood meets chic modern. Beautiful !!
Am I the only one who doesn't find Clooney ridiculously attractive? Sure he's cute an' all, and he looks great for his age, but... maybe it's his voice. I don't really like his voice. And something about his personality turns me off, too. He just seems so like the archetypal "cool" kid from high school. I'm just not into that.
It's called rampant smugness, something he seems to have in spades. Does anyone else get that vibe? Very annoying, I don't how gorgeous his mug is. Georgie loves himself some juvenile pranks and dirty jokes, too.
Yeah, I think Joe Reid gets that vibe. He's never been too fond of The Clooney either.
I do think he's smug, and insecure. He has all these physical defense mechanisms when he's onstage. Like scratching his eyebrow and fixing his hair and stuff. And he just acts juvenile. It's like he still lives in high school world. He's only a decent actor, but probably a good director... I haven't seen GNaGL yet.
And I do thing his voice is annoying. I haven't heard him speak in forever, so I kind of forgot.
I like George's voice. But I also love George. He's so archtypical cool. But not in the way that he's cruel to people and such. He takes care of himself (HI PHILLIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN!!!) and he's funny. He's much more interesting that 75% of people in Hollywood, that's for sure.
Loved the comments in the piece even though I disagreed with some of them. I did find it odd that none of the real-life people winners thanked the people they were portraying. Jonathan Rhys-Myers thanked the Presley foundation or something, but no one else. Not Hoffman, Witherspoon, Phoenix, Rhys-Myers.
I thought Ann's nemisis was Michelle Williams cause she's the one getting all the awards and she's only getting "ensemble" nominations like Sandra Oh (who is THE cutest person on the planet, btw. I love her so freakin' much.)
I didn't mean "archetypal cool" as a compliment, personally. I find him smug and annoying. Not that he's mean, he just seems kind of immature and needy.
I could've sworn that either Reese or Joaquin thanked June & Johnny. Or was that the producer? Not sure.
Also, just as a reference, I feel that another celebrity who embodies that kind of annoying "cool kid" persona, though in a different and worse way, is Jamie Foxx. Man, is he annoying. Much worse than Clooney, but I feel like there's a similar vibe there. I much prefer the Geena Davis brand of slightly-off-kilter, doin'-her-own-thing cool. Or even the Joaquin Phoenix disheveled druggie cool. He, and surprisingly David Strathairn, were the ones I was admiring last night.
The producer thanked both Johnny and June, and I think she came up somewhere in Reese's speech.
And really, I wasn't surprised at all by George's winning. Director has to go to Ang, so while they could give him screenplay this is a far more convenient bone to throw to him. He'll probably win the Oscar too.
Re: Jamie Foxx at the Globes...
What was that opening bit about him having the #1 album in the country? I'm sorry, was this the American Music Awards? How is that even relevant to the awards show in question? And furtermore, do we care?
Foxx best slow his roll and right quick before he ends up relentlessly self-promoted, pampered and overexsposed like Jennifer you-know-who, who also double-dipped media fame to her detriment.
And like somebody else opined, take off them fuckin' sunnies!
George reminds me of the cool guy at school who still befriends the little guys. Jamie Foxx reminds me of the cool guy who taunts and teases them and steals their backpack and plays keepaway. lol. I should do a post on my blog giving celebrities school yard roles. FUN.
Yeah, Foxx is definitely worse. No argument there.
I guess I just feel like Clooney's just not as cool as he thinks he is, which makes me look awkward to me. But since it seems very few people feel that way, it's really a non-issue.
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