You know about Best Picture already (assuming you read the entire year in review article).
Best Actor
A famous writer, a pimp with big dreams, an all-American family man (?), a closeted ranchhand, and an American hero.
Best Supporting Actress
A jaded singer, a chattery mother-to-be, an amourous neighbor, and two very different wives entirely capsized by their husbands' secrets.
And so, the race is off and running! The interesting, unpredictable race that we annually hope Oscar will show us, but that you have to provide instead.
I'm really disappointed that you've apparently placed Weisz is a Lead (I can't imagine she's a complete snub). What were we all telling you just a week ago?!!
But I have to hand it to you for nominating Hoffman whilst not being able to find room for Jake or Ralph. Knowing you as (we feel) we do, it must have nearly finished you off! But I interpret this as a statement of intent that you wish to be above pre-judgements. Classy.
I second Rob's thoughts on Weisz, although I will comfort myself by believing you simply found the talent pool so shallow in lead that you had to throw Weisz in to make it respectable.
I so did not expect Hoffman to place this year. Wow! And am very happy that Mortensen gets your love when he is consistently overlooked everywhere else. But when it comes down to it, I hope Ledger wins here because he gave my favorite performance of the year.
So Bello went supporting after all? I was hoping to see her as a surprise Lead candidate, but I understand your reasoning. And kudos for giving Zhang Ziyi a nomination for the film she truly deserved it for.
Yes, good call on Hoffman. I especially enjoyed the backhanded compliment in your text ; ) Though I was sure you'd nominate Ralph and/or Joaquin... and I really thought you'd cite Ralph for both Gardener and Countess, and Jake for both Brokeback and Jarhead. Ah well.
And yeah, apparently Weisz is lead and Daniels is supporting. Guess you ignored those FYC pleas from everyone.
And is it just me or are these less comprehensive than in recent years? It just feel like there is less writing about each nominee, or maybe just less intense superlatives, or something. Hm.
Oh, and I just realized that you apparently totally dissed ScarJo in Match Point. What was that about? Or is she lead, too?
Your best actor lineup is very oscary indeed! If you replace Mortensen with Phoenix, there you go the final five.
Yeah really you won't be able to bitch much about this year's actor lineup. 3 of 4 of your nominees will make it and the rest will be from your honorable mentions (or Daniels, who I'm expecting to see in supporting). Strangely, even though there are so many candidates each year, it seems like the category they most often get right.
rob & right -on weisz, the more i looked at it the more she's the main character of the film. period. everything and i do mean everything revolves about her. and she keeps popping back up in flashbacks.
ali -and with bello... her performances makes the role huge. but she is still secondary both are still debatable placements though. I tried every permutation ;)
adam --wow. can't get anything passed you. I did expand it a bit now. I was having trouble keeping it short and did notice i went on at greater length in previous years.
anonymous --true. but they could always throw Crowe in and screw it up ;) but yeah, Oscar will probably do well this year here (at least if they follow the precursors)
I'm so glad Ziyi Zhang survived your dismissal of Memoirs of a Geisha. I blame Rob Marshall for not pushing her the way Wong Kar-Wai did. The role of Sayuri needed special attention, which it didn't get from Marshall. Great line-ups so far, especially Best Actor! They really need to start sending you a ballot.
- Adam
I'm also sad you didn't include Scarlett Johansson for Match Point, not even as an honourable mention. Or is she lead?
Yes, hi, my name is Adam K. and I am a filmbitchawardaholic. And I only accept the best, thank you.
I do find it amusing that you've been wierded out the whole season by Ralph Feinnes not getting nominations when you, a big fan, didn't nominate him either, and may yet nominate Weisz in lead. We'll see...
what are your sag predictions jerk
While I'm loving that Heath and Michelle made it (along with Zhang Ziyi), I'm saddened by Hoffman making it in place of Fiennes or Gyllenhaal-I've seen all three, and I respectfully disagree.
Coolest nominations so far: Viggo and Ziyi! Yay! Though it's sad to see my man Ralphie not getting into the Top 5... And please nominate Rachel Weisz as Best Actress, OK?
Rachel Weisz is just the most loved bitch here right now... And I'm loving you loving her too... That's what acting is made of!!!! Crazy fans!!! Weisz for the win!!! Who cares about the Oscars??? She needs the FBA!!!!! I'm loving this year! Congratulations Nathaniel!!! And go superlative again... It was better that way...
The Supporting Actress FB category has made me extremely sad. Seeing Zhang Ziyi there just breaks my heart that THAT performance will go ignored. But, great to see it there. She's my #1 so far for 2005 but I still have a lot to see.
And, can I reiterate what Adam said. If merely for the fact that the alternatives are so few. With so many candidates (according to your images you posted the other week) were there really only 8 or so for each category with a chance?
Hmmm, I wonder what did happen to Scar.Jo for Match Point?
Wait, Glenn, what did I say that you're reiterating? Or was that the other Adam?
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