(links on the titles go the film's trailers)
Art School Confidential The cast is chalk full of goodies. Will Zwigoff's followup please his Ghost World cult? Could Max be any cuter?
Down in the Valley Evan Rachel Wood is still Hollywood's favorite Lolita. This time Norton wants her. He wants her badly. Her daddy ain't havin' it. He must have seen thirteen.
One Last Thing Ethan Hawke, Gina Gershon, and Cynthia Nixon appear in this R rated drama about a dying boy's last wish.
The Promise Wow. So the Weinstein's are releasing it after all. It's a miracle. This was China's submission for last year's Oscars.
The Proposition Guy Pearce stars in this Australian western. At this point he probably has no memory of his Memento fueled stardom.
In Multiplexes.
Hoot Based on the Newberry Award winning book of the same name.But it's about an owl. Owl's eat mice. Soooo, I'm not sure they 're proper stars of anything other than horror movies because that is just sick.
Mission: Impossible III Is the public over Tom Cruise? I doubt it. Placenta eating aside, this is the summer movie season kick-off. Opening Weekend gue$$e$? Anyone? Did you read my "Missions Impossible" piece?

Battle in Heaven see what all the polarizing fuss was about.
Delicatessen I loved this movie when it came out. But it had the unfortunate after-effect of convincing producers that Jean Pierre Jeunet was the right man for the Alien: Resurrection job. Which he clearly was not.
The Family Stone & Baby Boom for the "Annie Hall" junkies.
Tennessee Williams Film Collection Little known fact: I did my high school english term paper on Tennessee Williams. I don't know where it is but since I'm a packrat I'm sure it still exists. Given that I'm horrified to even read reviews I wrote a few years back, I'm imagining it's better for my self-esteem that I can't peruse that particular ancient text. This pack is a good deal though. Six Hollywood does Tennessee film adaptations (two of them deluxe) for only $50 bucks.
What will you be watching this weekend?
tags: Evan Rachel Wood, movies, celebrities, Tom Cruise, Tennessee Williams, Diane Keaton, movie trailers, dvd
Well I've seen the movie yesterday and all I can tell you is that it was pretty good!
Now considering the performances Kevin Kline was good, Tommy Lee Jones had a very small but important role, Lily Tomlin had a small role too but she was ok, Meryl Streep was amazing and Lidsay Lohan was very good!
I caught The Proposition last week - profoundly pretentious. That said, it's 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.
I saw The Proposition about 6 months ago when there was all the buzz down here about how it was so excellent and such. I was not amused. C
Mission Impossible 3 isn't making much money! yay!
I really wanna see Art School Confidential. Hopefully it's more Ghost World than Bad Santa.
I think there's a reason why the Weinstein's withheld The Promise. It's bad! Or, apparently it is anyway.
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